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Waste Water Treatment Plant Community Impact Treatment Process

Small & Maintenance Projects as of March 2021

WCID 2023 Small Projects List

Trihydro Lakeland/Lake Project Sewer Assessment Report -Jul 25, 2023

On March 6, 2023, the Travis County Water Control and Improvement District Point Venture (the District) authorized Trihydro Corporation (Trihydro) to conduct an assessment of the pressure sewer main in which residents along Lakepoint Circle and Lakeland Drive were experiencing issues with sewer blockage and backups. The pressure sewer main is separated into two pipe segments: a 3” main that
begins at 18236 Lakepoint Circle (Lot B, WIP) and ends near 18809 Lakeland Drive (Lot 382A), then transitions to a 4” main which discharges into the Whispering Hollow Lift Station at 700 Deckhouse (Lot 801). This assessment report was prepared to evaluate wastewater flow capacity, validate sewer line sizing, determine pump head requirements, and review pressure transducer field data. The assessment report concludes with a synopsis of Trihydro’s findings and recommendations to address these deficiencies.

To review this project documentation, click here. 

Travis County WCID - Point Venture has a Brand New Website! Subscribe to Stay Informed!

Working harder to better serve and communicate with our community, we have launched a new website for our water customers. Check it out and let us know what you think. Subscribe today!